

I love to observe the Fibonacci Series as it appears in nature.
We can see it in many plants, such as sunflowers, daisys, cornflowers, pine cones...etc. Every time I find this somewhere around me, I can hardly resist from taking photos.

And here is the photo I took yesterday.
Isn't it gorgeous?

Do you see spirals here?
Actually there are three sets of spirals here.
Clockwise, counterclockwise and in the middle of these two sets.

If you count the numbers of spirals, you will find interesting figures.

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Psychocat said...

Fibonacci? ... Fibonacci number?

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...

Is that what you meant to say?

chamokayo said...

hi, psychocat,

yes, that's it.
Have you found the numbers in this flower?

Psychocat said...

No, no. I didn't find the number in this flower, but I know the word "Fibonacci". So I wrote the sequence of numbers.

"Fibonacci number" is written on the book which I read as it happens more recently ^.^

chamokayo said...

hi, psychocat,

You have read about "Fibonacci Series" in your book just recently. What a coincidence!

In this photo, the numbers of the three sets of spirals would be three numbers of the Fibonacci Series.

For example, a kind of sunflower spirals show the sequence of 13, 21, 34.