I love meat, and I love fish even more than meat.
So I don't want to give up these delicious ingredients.
Still I believe eating lots of vegetables is healthy, so I sometimes cook vegetarian meals.
The menu of today's VEGETARIAN supper was:
1. rice with green beans
2. cucumber and pepper salad with coriander leaves
3. mushroom burger
As the ingredients of all, I used:
rice, green beans, cucumbers, bell peppers, coriander leaves, mushrooms, sesame seeds, green onions, ginger, eggs, some starch and seasonings...
I used quite a variety of vegetables, didn't I?
As we ate this meal this evening, I realized that my husband was not eating as fast as usual. Although he usually eats so fast that he can not digest food well...
Probably this was the sign to say "I don't want to eat vegetarian meals any more! Give me meat!!!!!", since he is so much meat lover and I have not cooked neither meat or fish last three days...
So....,I will cook some non-vegetarian food tomorrow.
It's lucky that your partner's eating speed only got slowly. I mean, there are husbands who become crabby because nothing of meat on dinner, in this world.
I think you are sensible because you were aware of his change of behavior.
Hello, Pshchocat,
My husband did not say anything, but he burst into laugh as he read this journal. It was exactly what he has felt about last supper...
I still cook some vegetarian meals some time because veggie meal affects my digestion very well.
It is very nice to hear that you are grateful... That is the key of happiness.. :D
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