I need to take several exams to be qualified to apply for the uni. It is quite troublesome that I have to take those exams. But I've got a good idea!
Since I need to take the exams, it can be a great chance to study something interesting. The more subjects I get, the more qualified I would be. It's not just about qualifications. It is an opportunity to study!!
So what shall I study besides sciences, maths and English that are necessary?
Great thing about English exam system is the wide variety of the subjects you can choose. You can take an exam of Japanese as a foreign language as well....It would be boring for me to take Japanese exam though.
So I checked exam board website, and searched what possibilities I have.
Maybe psychology, or environmental science?
I have to take the exams anyway, why not enjoy the exams!??
Let's make use of it. And turn the stressful exams into a big opportunity!!
Good luck!!!! Go to straight!! ;)
I have to do what I want to do as well.
Hi there!
You are such a positive woman!
Yeah, take anything positively is the best way of our life.
Most of the time I think like that, too.
I also have to do new start and I was kind of nervous at first,then think about how I was wasting my time before...maybe I'll be busy,but It's better for me to try.
Don't you think so?
Keep working positively makes us and people around us happy. Positive way of thinking people get better things than others!
Take care!
hi, maco,
It is good feeling to do what I really want to do!!
hi, non,
Yes, positivity is one of my advantages, I believe. I am always so optimistic....:D
I think there are nothing waste in our lives. Everything is necessary. Whatever we do, that can be an important lesson for our lives, if we will to learn.
I wish you luck for your new job! And I believe you will learn a lot from your new experience with your positivity!!
Good luck!! Hope you find something you'd like to major in! :)
I'm about to graduate from university in 3 weeks' time. hehe. I really didn't know what I wanted to major in until my third year but by then it was too late to change. Haha. But now I am about to graduate knowing what I like so it's all good.
But since you are more mature than me, I'm sure you'll find a suitable major! All the best!
thanks for your comment and congratulations for your graduation!
In my case, I know what I want to study at the uni and also I know what I want to do after graduation. That's why I want to go back to a uni.
Good luck for your future after graduation!!
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