How can we stay at home on a day like this?
So we went off to the south of our town to Kidderminster. There is a steam train station in Kidderminster which the trains travel from Kidderminster to Bridgenorth along the liver Severn.
We went there with our sons, telling them, we can see the train but we won't get in the train. Because they don't want people in nappies in the train.
Of course it is not true. :D
This is just a strategy to encourage them to go to toilet....
Yes, now our sons are in serious and intensive toilet training.
Anyway, we went to the station and saw the engine of the steam train.
As I looked at the train and the people working there, shovelling coals into the fire, I got bored. That's a boy's stuff. Generally girls don't have interest in trains. Neither do I....
However, I seemed to be wrong.
As soon as it got started making big noise, the power of the mechanic and the movement of the wheels attracted me. It's so mechanical that we can see how it works.
Wow! It's so coooooooooooool.
Our sons kept talking about the train all day after the visit to the station.
So, we promised our sons that we would travel by the steam train to Bridgenorth and back to K'minster when they stop peeing or pooping in their underwear....
When would we be able to go there again?
I hope ... soon.
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