Then....,Easter BREAK!!
When I went to a classroom to teach this morning, one pupil was away. And her friend said,"She is in California now!"
She misses lessons so often, and often she leaves the school earlier than breaking up. It is because she goes on a trip for vacation!!
But generally speaking, English misses their school or work so easily. They are absent because it is snowing just a little bit. They are absent because it is cold....
Also the school has to be closed when the classroom heaters are broken, according to the regulation. It is not that cold in England recently because of the global warming. If they are cold, make them run, run, run!! They will be soon warm! Or they need to put on warmer clothes!! That's how I survived Japanese schools without any heating system...... I remember I couldn't hold a pencil on the first lesson in the morning in the middle of winter, because my hands were too cold to move. I guess we can not do this anymore, because parents start complaining about it...... What a shame.
When the heaters are on in the classroom, some of the teenage pupils are in no sleeve shirts, showing off their chubby tammy.
We are not heating the building to be half naked in winter!!!!
Oh, this journal seems to have got lost.....
Anyway what I wanted to say in this journal is....
"happy Easter break!!!!!!"
I really need a break now.
My host family in Sydney went skiing from Sat to Mon. I asked my host mother,"Does your child have holiday on Monday?" She said,"Oh, he's taking his day off on Monday."
In my generation usually people thought we had to go to school...
Now a days even in Japan,some families take their holidays before school holidays, and their children take ealier holidays than nomal school holidays.
Because, it's cheaper than holiday season...
Parents have changed alot...
Family time is more important than school. That's true, but little odd to me...
I guess we need to understand people like that though.
Talk to you soon!
Hi, non,
sorry for being late to write the message for you here.
Yes, parents have changed a lot.
I would accept the absence, if they really think this is really important for their sons/daughters. I mean...educationally.
I accept the fact that there are many people with different opinions. But I don't think this affects her and her classmates in a good way......
Talk to you soon.
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