It has been three years since my last hair cut by a professional hair stylist.
A lot of my Japanese friends have terrible experiences with their hair cut in England. Generally English hair stylists can not deal with Asian hair quality. They say our hair is too thick and too many.... Their work is incredibly rough. They cut customer's hair as they like without following the customer's order... Often they can not cut the hair straight. And....their sense of fashion/hair style is awful.
Some Japanese ladies go to London to get their hair cut by a Japanese hair stylist, even if they have to make three-hour trip to get to London. I live near Birmingham which is about three hours away from London. I could go to a hair salon in London but I am not that eager for my hair style.
Recently I and my local Japanese friends have found a Japanese hair stylist in Birmingham. She is currently studying English but she was a professional hair stylist in Osaka. She says she can visit our house and give us hair cut!
How can we miss this chance!?
So we asked her to come to our town, and seven Japanese ladies got hair cut very nicely.
My hair is now about 15cm shorter than before. The new hair style make me so happy and I feel like being in a new fashion.
I know, I know. :) Yep! There's no good one.....When I went to a beauty salon in the USA, I shouted " Stop! and cut!" to hair stylist many times. :) After that, finally, I cut my hair by myself. I'm good at cutting my hair. =)
Btw, you had also lived in Sacramento! I miss foggy days of SF...... What do you miss?
And thank you for the info of the Fibonacci artist. :)
Hi, Non,
Honestly to say I have never been to a hair salon in the UK, neither in the States. It is too scarely to imagine what would happen to my hair..... So I am good at cutting my hair as well!
I miss blue sky in Sacramento!! Sacramento is in the valley, so they have quite different climate than SF. I really miss the clear weather there, and also miss fresh fruits that grew in a bright sun shine!
In SF, I miss the Filmore (concert venue).
Hi, there!
There were some Japanese hair saloons in Sydney. Some of my class mates went there. Although cost of hair saloon was also really expensive. Some people went to student saloons to got hair cut cheaper...
While I was in Sydney, I didn't go anywhere,cause I only went there for 8 months and I went back to Japan once. Offcourse I went to a hair saloon while I was in Japan.
It was cheap and better!
Hair dresser is one of the occupations that can get business VISA in Australia. Alot of Japanese are really good at it. Japanese people are stiyish and better than most of Australian...
Alot of People in Australia said, Things from Japan is the best! They knew they are lazy and not so stylish as well, but don't care and don't even try to improve...
I guess...That's why I like them!
I didn't know there are so many Japanese hair stylists in Australia. Japanese are good at works that need precision.
I guess English are worse than Australians. Actually education standard in Australia is much higher than England.
I like English people, but it is hard to work with them..... Their inefficiency always pull my legs....
They are really really nice people though.
My name is Anna. I'm from Japan and an exchange student of the university of warwick in coventry.
I'm looking for a japanese hair stylist around coventry or birmingham and found your article. How can I contact with the hair stylist? If you know, please let me know!
Hello, Anna,
it is not easy to find a Japanese hair stylist, isn't it?
The hair stylist on this post is now in Japan. She will be back to England, but I don't know when.
But I can give you her contact information if you want. Also my friend found another Japanese hair stylist in Birmingham. I haven't seen the stylist yet, so I don't know how good he is. But I can also give you the information.
Please give me your e-mail add to
so that I can send the info directly to you.
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