As a part of my husband's building project, we had a tour to visit Waldorf Steiner Schools in Germany with our architects. We visited 6 Steiner schools and one Anthloposophy centre in Kassel.
The schools' purpose-built buildings were all built with Rudolf Steiner's philosophy "anthloposophy." They all have certain features of Steiner architectures, such as non-right angle windows, or some sculptural structures.
But when you visit several schools and see their buildings, you see the differences. Each school has its own ideas and concepts to make their ideal education happen in the school building that made significant variety of the space for children. The buildings show their vision.
We can not label them just "Waldorf schools" or "Steiner architecture." The freedom of the Waldorf education allowed them and inspired them to create their own education. That created their individual buildings.
This is a hall in the school in Stuttgart. This building was built in 1970', though this design looks even more modern than the newest building. The power and energy that this hall has is tremendous.
This is inside of the hall.
This is a ceiling of the building at "Widar Schule, Waldorfschule in Bochum-Wattenscheid." Great sculptural design.
This is an exterior of the main building at Widar schule.
I have visited more schools, so the report from our tour will be continued....
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