"I don't write anything negative in my blog."
Any complaints, anger, madness and depressing feeling should not be in my blog.
Because negative things attract negative people, negative thoughts, negative words, and negative effects.
That is the "law of attraction." And I really think it is true.
My rule has been kept well most of the time especially in my Japanese blog "Kayo in England." But I sometimes can't help complaining about something... Whenever I expressed my negative feeling in my journal, I got replies filled with negative energy from the readers. My negative thoughts have spread to anonymous people and come back to me with much more powerful negative energy.
If I want to be positive, I have to be careful with what I say. My positive words attract positive things. And that is what I want.
Just recently, one idea came up to me, and the idea changed my "rule" from
"I don't write anything negative in my blog."
"I will write only positive things."
Do you see the difference?
First one is a negative sentence. It shows "NOT to do" which is exactly my negative feeling. But the other sentence is opposite. I have a positive feeling that came up as a positive sentence.
So I am pleased that the new rule naturally came up from myself, because I noticed the change of my feeling turned to positive.
Exactly you are right.
I was having the same thinking with you. And I also made the same mistake; I don't write anything negative.
Your previous rule was a negative sentence. The rule itself was against the rule ^.^
I'm going to change to the new rule.
hello, psychocat,
You too!? hahaha.
I made a mistake but I am glad that the positive sentence came up from within myself. My way of thinking has changed to positive side.
Anyway, let's enjoy OUR positive blog and life!!
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