This is the first official day for my sons to go to the kindergarten. They have visited the kindergarten before, but they will spend all morning five days a week from today on.
... What a relief!
Now it is quiet in the house without boys. I hear only the sound of washing machine. And I have some time for myself. The time without children is such a precious time for a mother, since "mother" is 24-7 work...
So, I decided not to do house work much this morning, so I can use the first free morning just for myself. I read some books as I have a cup of tea. Some peace and quiet time.
It is a reward for me.
I think I am worth to be rewarded. :D
Don't you think so???
I saw pupils going to school this morning and I noticed, 'Oh, autumn has come!'.
Yes, it's a reward for you to have nice relaxing time:)
You know, when children are at home it means you are literally 'FULL-TIME mother', which must be nice and fun(I haven't got any children yet, so I can just imagine though), but I think all mothers need to have their own time as well...
Am sure your kids are enjoying school, so you too enjoy your time! so tempted to have a child...maybe in the not too distant future...
Thanks for adding me to your links:)
May I add your blog to my links as well?
hello, anima,
honestry to say, being a FULL-TIME mother is not always fun for me. Of course motherhood is precious and wonderful, though I miss the moment that I work in a group of grown-ups.
So it is not an easy task for me to be a full-time mother, but I have been learning a lot from the experiences.
*Sorry, I didn't ask you to add you to my links in advance..., but I am glad that you seem to be happy with it. ..And, of course adding my blog to your links is welcome! Thanks.
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