Since I decided to take English language GCSE exam, I keep trying to read English literature. It is not very fun for me to read pure literature, but I can not avoid studying English any longer.
I tell you....I have NEVER liked studying English since I started learning English when I was twelve.
Of course I had to study some English at middle/high schools and at a university. But I did it because I had to. I have never had a passion for the language.
I studied English again before I moved to California to study Anthroposophy at Rudolf Steiner College. I just wanted to study Anthroposophy which there was no place to study it seriously in Japan at that time.
My latest TOEIC score was 800. The score was from about 8 years ago when I was still in Japan.
Since then, I have not taken any English exams, nor studied English seriously. I know my English has improved quite a bit since I left from Japan, but I have no idea of how much my English has improved.
I have been just lazy.
I just wanted to believe that the experience living in English speaking countries would improve my English.
It is true, if you want to gain only everyday life English.
But it is not so easy to gain sophisticated English ability without serious study, especially for Japanese whose language is completely different from English.
Native English can make mistakes a lot.
It can happen easily to pick up those incorrect English usage unconsciously in our lives.
And the vocabularies we use in our general everyday life are limited. Especially if I don't wish to learn more vocabularies nor if I don't have much interest in learning English, I can just survive with those limited words without increasing the number of my vocabs much.
It is not ok.
Whenever I want to try something new in this country, the language barrier comes before myself.
On top of it, my complex for the English language makes the barrier even higher.
I want to use English as well as Japanese.
I am quite fed up with myself being struggled with the language.
I can't avoid studying English any more.
I really have to improve my English.
And ... I will.
Try reading books such as Harry Potter instead of pure literature. Most classic books, while are great stories, aren't that fun to read.
Thanks for the comment.
Of course I read all kinds of books. Modern literature, best sellers, sciences, history and phylosophy...
But it is really necessary for me to read pure literature for GCSE exams because the exam is for native English speakers. It is like "Kokugo" for Japanese. I have to read classics as well...
I think living in the country where English is spoken helps you improving your English a lot.
I liked learning English, but just didn't like English classes in school...(maybe because i didn't like the teachers? ha ha. i liked only one English teacher...)
Now you have a goal (GCSE) and studying intensively, which is really good. It's fun to know how far you can do, isn't it?
Hello, Anima,
Yeah, I think my English improved quite a bit by living in California and England. But I really think I have been too lazy to make an effort to improve my English. I was just doing what I wanted to do such as reading ONLY what attracted me. Now I feel that absorbing English through wide variety of materials is great way of studying English...
My first goal is GCSE. Then I can start studying what I really want to study.
It is really fun to study and to try to achieve a higher goal. That can widen my limitation.
Thanks for your comment!!
I read a book called "Lolita" recently. It was one of the best books I've ever read, but the reading level was ridiculously high. Even as a native English speaker I found myself having to refer to a dictionary often. I suggest that you check it out if you want to improve your reading level. It is by Vladimir Nabokov.
hello, ラジャsan.
Thanks for your recommendation.
I have heard of the book "Lolita" before, and I checked the book at again.
I am very curious about the "rediculously high level English" although my English level is far from it.
Anyway I will check out the book.
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