I have been always cold for these three months.
Don't say that England is a cold country. Of course I can't deny it, for today's highest temperature is 18℃. It is not summer, it is like a late autumn.
But I am not cold only because of the weather, I know something unusual thing is happening in my body.
One day I was in four layers of tops. Two cotton shirts, thin pure wool jumper, and extra thick winter jumper. I was still shivering. It was not usual.
I think the autonomic nerve is not working very well..... My body can't adjust the body temperature for some reason. Bad mental health can affect the autonomic nerve and that causes automatic ataxia...
The hypothalamus in the brain is in charge of the control of the body temperature. It works to produce heat when it is cold, and lose the heat when it is hot. But if the body needs to generate more heat, what shall we do?
My biology textbook says;
1. shivering - muscular activity generates heat
2. adding extra clothing - insulation reduces heat loss
3. eating more - eating stimulates heat producing by respiration
4. turn on the central heating! - Humans can control their external environment too.
.... Can I write number 4 as an answer at the exams...?
...silly English textbooks....
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