Next week, we will be off to the continent Europe, driving across Holland to Germany.
The first ten days of the trip will be very quiet and slow, staying with my father-in-law. After that we will drive to the West to see several Anthroposophic architectures around. So the last half of the trip will be busy driving around.
One thing I am really hoping for the trip is to have a REAL break.
The REAL break means disconnecting myself from my ordinary life. To achieve this, I will not take my computer with me. The exist of a computer always disturbs the disconnection from the world. You know, internet always connect you to anybody all over the world. Once you have a computer and an internet access with you, you can not escape from the world you live.
I am addicted to a computer. Probably many people are. Now I can not imagine a life without a computer. As a communication tool, a computer is essential. It is incredibly inconvenient to live in England without a mean of internet shopping.
It is ok to use a computer as a tool to make our live more convenient.
But I think I am spending too much time to sit in front of the computer for doing something rather unnecessary. It is like a habit to turn on the computer whenever I have a spare time at home. Maybe even when I really don't have a time to spare, I am wasting a time for the computer.... That is a problem...
And I feel I am not really off as long as I am trapped with the computer.
For three weeks of this trip, I will be free from a computer.
The trip should force myself be away from the computer.
Of course I should be able to control myself to turn on/off the computer whenever I am supposed to do...., and not to use a computer more than I need. But this is the addiction...
I guess I am not the only one who has the addiction....
You too...?
me too!!! lol
hello, anima,
hahaha! :D
Of course, me too. ^_^
you too!! hahaha! :D
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