These are caramels I made yesterday. (↓)
I don't know if I can buy caramels in this country. But I guess the caramel sold in England is harder and sweeter than ones sold in Japan, and probably they are more like toffee.
I like toffee though, I sometimes miss Japanese style soft caramels too.
I have got this recipe from my friend.
These were delicious and melty....and easy to make!!!
The best thing was that my husband was very happy about this!
Hi! You make caramel from scratch?
I want to know how to make it... Maybe I can get a recipe on the internet or books.
I think that's really good to make sweets and other things from scratch,cause they are safe.
We would like to know what we eat, right?
My host mother in Sydney made cakes and other sweets by her self. One of her daughters was allergic to all dairy products.She was useing olive oil instead of butter. Her cakes were wholesome and good for me,too!
Take care and talk to you soon!
Hi, Non,
Yes I made the caramel from scratch. Actually this is quite easy to make. I am sure you can find the recipe on the net.
And I totally agree with you. I can not trust the food from supermarket. So I make many things from scratch using organic ingredients. Food is important for us. It is impossible to avoid all the E-numbers, chemicals from what we eat, though we can still choose BETTER food.
Talk to you soon!!
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