In many areas in England, the water is mostly hard water, which contains limestone a lot. Because of this hard water, white clothes get grey after laundry, green tea doesn't taste good, dirty limescale in bathrooms.....and the worst thing about the hard water is that the water causes dry skin.
Yes, my skin all over the body itches very badly!! From head to toe!! XD
Yesterday I added some vinegar (20-30ml) into the bath water, and bathed.
It helped.
I didn't need to scratch my body at all today.
I suggested my husband to take the vinegar bath today. He also seems to be satisfied with it.
Vinegar... it is such a useful liquid!!

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Before, I had been drinking rice VINEGAR about 100cc with pinching my nose every day :-)
It was bitter health management method. I had quitted it.
it must have been tough if you did not dilute the vinegar....
It can be quite nice drink if you choose right kind of vinegar. Actually apple cider vinegar and wine vinegar are milder than rice vinegar, I think.
I'm sorry I didn't write my comment last night because immediately wrote it. This morning, I read your responce and it remind me reflect on that time.
When I was drinking RICE vinegar, I diluted it. Even so I felt bitter. So, I changed from rice vinegar to wine one. You are right ^.^ Thanks for your concern.
I didn't know that vinegar in the bath water helps stop body itch!
Thank you for telling this, I will let my boyfriend take this bath, as he has some skin troubles.
hello, psychocat,
Don't say sorry. It is all right.
Are you still keep drinking DILUTED wine vinegar? How is the effect? Please share your thought about it if you have any!
Hello, anima,
I have read an article about a child with eczema. Her severe eczema was completely cured by the vinegar bath.
So I think it is worth to try!
Hi! chamokayo,
Umm... Umm...
Everyone say, the effect is placebo effect ^.^
But I myself felt good feeling. I say not because I mortify the thing that is said placebo.
It's not a lie but a fact.
And I'm not drinking vinegar now.
hi, psychocat,
Some people don't want to admit the effects of natural remedies. It is their opinion based on their phylosophy. So it is OK that they have different opinions from mine. I respect their opinions as well as my opinion.
Vinegar has cured so many ailments since the time of Hipocrites. It is the scientific fact that vinegar adjust the pH balance in our stomach.
I myself feel better by taking vinegar, so I trust my feeling. :D
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