Every night before going to bed, I contemplate about what I am grateful of, and write down the lists of the happiness and the appreciation.
I appreciate that my husband got better.
I appreciate that he smiled.
I appreciate that we had a good, delicious and safe food.
I am happy that my boys are healthy and they play together beautifully.
.... etc
As I make this list, my heart gets filled with happiness. I start looking at the world more positively, and I realise how happy I am. I see more hopes in my current life and also in my future.
I sleep much better, because I sleep with this positive soul. And the best thing is that I can start the next day with a bright hope! When I wake up in the morning, I feel something good would happen on this day even if it's deadly couldy day.
To keep this diary is very simple thing to do, but this makes me happy so much!
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