These days are again crazy.
I knew this November would be very busy. But now I am in the middle of the craziness.
Soon after finishing the exam, My mother-in-law came from Germany. Two days later my father-in-law arrived. They have been divorced for thirty five years, and have not seen each other for many years. I guess all of us involved in this situation have something uncomfortable feeling..... But it is going all right so far. They chat together, and are preparing for the exhibition together without arguing.
Celebrating their forty-year career as jewelry artists and my husband's fortieth birthday, we will have an exhibition to show their works on this weekend, starting from Friday evening. My father-in-law, mother-in-law and my husband's arts are now gathered here at my house, getting ready to be shown to people.
So I have loads of things to do, helping preparation, cooking nice foods for seven people three times a day, and of course keeping the house tidy so that our guests can be happy and comfortable...
On top of it, our school will have an Advent Fayre on the same day when we have the exhibition. As stuff of the school, of course we need to help running the fayre. But this year we need to play a role as school parents as well, since our sons started going to the school from this September.
I didn't know being a parent is such a demanding job.
I need to donate vegetables, homemade cookies, handmade little toys and decorations for the stall. It is ok to donate veggies. But I have been too busy to bake cookies and making toys myself these days......
But I made an attempt today, at least.
Driving around and finishing errands in hurry in the morning, then I came home just before my sons' school ends. I quickly prepared the lunch for six people, and ran to the school to fetch my boys. Finishing the lunch and clearing up the dishes, then I made the cookie dough. These cookies are for the fayre, and the recipe was given and I had to follow the recipe. The cookies on the recipe was British cookie recipe that the ingredients contain "LYE golden syrup", which is typical BRITISH syrup. I am not very interested in English food, so this was the first time to make the cookies.
I measured all the ingredients and followed the instruction PERFECTLY. But the dough was too soft to spread, so I put the dough into the freezer.
I had to do this between lunch and my doctor appointment.
It was such a hurry.
After two hours set in the freezer, the dough was still too soft. Then I just gave up. I had to cook again for the supper by then, and after supper I attended jewelry making workshop. Just no time for baking...
I phoned one of my friends, and asked her to bake twice as much as she needs to make. So she will make cookies for me too. She is a great cook, and she has made same cookies before, so she would not have any problems at all. She was very happy to help me, since she knows I am super busy this week.
So, I guess the frozen dough will be cut into small pieces and will be icebox cookies. That would be tasty, but it would not be what I was asked to bake. They want something decorative with pretty shapes... So I will eat them at home with my family. hahaha. :D
Ok, I should stop writing this.
My study time disappeared, and I am frustrated for not being able to study....
But it is ok.
Life is not always calm and stable.
.......I must say my life is frequently crazy....
Hopefully I can have some more time for my study next week....
Now I shutdown the computer, and read at least a few pages of my textbook before I go to bed.

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