He is a Steiner school teacher. Generally steiner school teachers are low pay and much busier than general school teachers. He has full time table which is the most busiest timetable at the school, that means he is busier than other busy steiner teachers. On top of it, he leads a building project, leading the school to build new buildings and make radical change to the school. This work came to him because he is not just a teacher but a trained architect.
As a project manager, his work can be a full time work... Remember..? Full time project manager's work on top of full time super busy teaching.
He loves the school. He is into the project. He spend all his time to the project. He is definitely overworked, and often he fell ill from the overwork.
...He is not paid for the project work at all, though.
This week he has just decided to fly to Germany to visit Schloss Hamborn Waldorf School which is our partner school. And there, the winter fair will be held on Saturday. It is a great opportunity for the project to present our master plan that was completed just this month.
So...he asked the arrangement to the teacher at Schloss Hamborn and flew this evening after school.
He will stay in Germany for two days, and will come back just before midnight on Sunday.
Spend his all weekend for the trip..., it is usual for him to work through weekends, but trip causes me quite trouble too....... I had to run and run and run all day today for him.
He was ill last week having kidney stones. Now he is flying to Germany...
I am really worried about him.
It is wonderful that he has such an interesting work that he can put his soul so much into it. If his work is not that interesting for him, he wouldn't work so hard but on the other hand, he would be bored. The interesting work is exciting and gives him energy. But he forgets how much he is tired as he put all his energy into it. When he gets ill, he finally realize he worked more than he can handle.
I want him to do interesting thing that he can beam and shine in his work.
I believe that is the way he can be happy.
And his happiness is my happiness as well.
But I don't want to see him exhausted all the time.
I want him to be healthy. I want him to smile and beam with his exciting work.
Now the exciting work exhausts him and sucks his energy, falls him into ill.
It is not right.
But it is very difficult for him to change his way of working. It is big part of his personality.....
I can understand your worry very well. Your husband is trying to make something impossible possible!Another superman! I think it is very good for teachers to be involved in the project because they do know what is necessary for the school, but I am afraid it is too tough for them to teach at the same time. It is impossible physically at the first place. Can you tell the school master or someone to reduce his work?
However, your husband seems to enjoy his works, so it may be also hard to persuade him to cut down his works.
I think some people are like your husband. I myself is not the type. I don't want to face a challenge. I want to lead a stable and safe life. That means sometimes I may miss opportunities. In that sense your husband leads a full of his life, so he will not miss opportunities.
I really hope he will lead a fruitful and healthy life.
See you,
Hello, honesty,
it has been extremely hard task to involve the colleagues(teachers) in the project. They really don't want the change much, although they realize the need of the change.
The supportive teachers try to reduce his workload, but some teachers believe the TEACHING is the most important work. Although his project can not be done without him, they think school should hire somebody to do the project work for him. He is happy to teach less to put more energy into the project. They will be discussing about the agenda next week, but I don't know what they will decide.....
I and my husband are quite similar type. We always need challenge, without challenge, we feel dead... The difference between us is that I still feel protecting our family is the highest priority of all, but for my husband, family is not the highest. Probably it is a nature of the different gender.
See you,
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