Now it is a time for me to use those cutters for my little sons.
I was sure that my mother still has those cutters somewhere in her kitchen. She is a person who can never throw things away even though she would never use them again.
So I asked my mother to send them to England so I can please my sons!
It was actually great idea. First, they were simply pleased to see the flowery shaped carrots. Then, of course, they tried to cut vegetables themselves. It took no time for them to learn the technique.
One morning, they made many flower carrots out of two whole carrots before breakfast, packed them in ziplocs and took them to the school.
The second son shared the flower carrots with his classmates. Both the class teacher and the classmates got one flower each and admired the pretty carrot.
The first son's flower carrots were cooked in the soup. Each child got one flower in his/her soup for snack.
They all pleased, and of course the admiration made my sons happy.
What an easy and successful project, it was!!
hellow, chamokayo,
Flower-shaped cutters---I often used when my daughter was small especially when I made a lunch box.I put flower carrots on top of rice and I cut the rest of carrot finely and mixed that in the rice.
Now I don't use them, because I feel sorry for the rest. So now I cut in a carrot sidesays five or six lines and slice the carrot lengthways.
Then you can get a kind of flower-shaped sliced carrot.
You don't have much rest, only five or six lines.
Oh! It's difficult to explain in English. I hope you get it.
However,sorry to say those sliced flower carrots are not so pretty.
Now I'd like to use cutters and make pretty "chirashi-zushi".
Actually I have more than ten cutters in the shapes of a cherry blossom,bellflower,plum flower etc.
Big ones and small ones.
Today you remind me of longtime unused cutters!
Thanks again!
Hello, honesty,
The original idea of using the cutter was decorating a boxed lunch for my boarding student. Although she is much too old for that kind of thing, it is nice to show her my culture.
Actually this kind of Japanese consideration and precision attracts Western people a lot. When I was in California, my America friends were surprised with rabbit apples, you know what they are..., and appreciated the little work to entertain people.
I think that is a good part of Japanese soul from old time, which I don't want to lose.
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