I used to be a teacher, teaching mathematics to English kids at a Steiner School. I am a trained Steiner School teacher, also I am qualified as a high school / middle school mathematics teacher.
Early this year, I have decided to stop teaching to change my career path. For the change, I need to study seriously for many years, and I realized the teaching job is too interesting to play two roles at the same time. When I teach main lessons, all my time and energy are spent for thinking/planning and preparation. It is actually 24-hour job that needs full power commitment. Studying needs constant work, and the energy consuming job as a teacher doesn't fit to my life.
Ideal scenario is getting easy-going part time job. Something I can work ONLY the core time, and I don't have to think about the job at home at all.
I have two little sons who go to the school, nursery and kindergarten, every day. The school is only for morning and they are still too little to stay at school all day. That limits me finding a suitable job ....
Also problem is on myself as well. Since I was educated in Japan, and I have not gotten a degree in England. I am not really qualified person in this country.
Qualification and experience are the first information that makes the candidates to proceed to the job interview.
Thinking about my past career, I devoted most of my career for education. So almost no experience for other jobs. ...Only two years ICT engineer experience can be a bit strength, though.
The current situation is making my job hunting process so hard....
I got one weekend job starting next April, but I want to have something else for weekdays.
So...job hunting will not end anytime soon............I guess.
But this is a part of my life experience.
It is also something enjoyable......let's think positively. :D
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