Recently the documentary movie originated from this fiction was released in Japan.
The director is a young Japanese woman, working in NY.
She discovered this book when she was studying film directing in NY, and the book shocked her and also inspired her.
Now the film "Fire under the Snow" is ready to be public, and you can see it at some small theatres in Japan.
In 1992 the Venerable Palden Gyatso was released after thirty-three years of imprisonment by Chinese forces in Tibet. He fled across the Himalayas to India, smuggling with him the instruments of his torture. This powerful test is the story of his life and irrefutable testimony to the appalling suffering of the Tibetan nation at the hands of the Chinese.
(from the book description)
I really want everyone to read this book and learn how the situation in Tibet has been.
In the book you will see how Chinese are humiliating Tibetans.
The nightmares in Tibet under the Chinese forces are still going on.
Hi, chamokayo,
I didn't know anything about the book "Fire under the Snow".
Sounds interesting!
I'd like to see the film,too.
I do hope one of "some small theaters" is near my house.
We have tons of trailers of some limited movies, something like Hollywood epics, and they are on a lot of theaters at the same time all over Japan. Some of them are really good, but some are kind of trash.
On the other hand we have little information about some serious documentary movies, not for popular tastes.
It seems unfair.
Anyway I keep "Fire under th Snow"in mind.
Thands for the introduction.
See you:D
Hello, Honesty,
There are really limited theatres for this film. You can see the list of the theatres and its schedule on the "Fire under the Snow" official web site. You will find the link on my post.
This must be a great movie.
The book itself speaks a lot, but the visual effect of the film must appeal to people strongly.
I hope you can find a chance to see this film.
If not, I still recommend to read this book..., either English or Japanese.
Talk to you soon.
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