I normally have very vague memory of my dreams when I wake up. It is almost impossible to trace the plot of my dreams. I rarely remember even just one scene. But the dream of flying penguin was surprisingly clear. I can still remember the picture of the flying fat penguin. It flew so fast and straight just like a jet air plane. :D
My husband sent this video to me last night.
He knows my flying penguin dream and always teases me about it.
Wow I knew there were penguins that can actually fly!!
Isn't it amazing?
Cheers for BBC!!
I love this video...
And I love British people's sense of humour to create such a thing.
You had a dream of flying penguins!?
I sometimes dream about myself flying, but not penguins! ha ha ha.
Hello, Anima,
I love this too!
The British sense of humor is very different from Japanese. We can never imagine NHK make this kind of video and publish it... hahaha
The flying penguin in my dream was very clear that surprised me a lot. It was almost shocking to see fly fat penguin like a bullet in the sky....
What did this dream mean?
Hi chamokayo,
Long time no see!
What a happy coincidence!
I watched "Flying penguin" in Anima's blog.
I love this video,too.
"I wish I were a flying penguin!"
I'd like to fly to the UK:)
Now it's a beautiful season, isn't it?
Have a nice day! See you soon :D
Hello, Honesty,
Sorry for my long absence. Now I feel like writing this blog again, and hope I can write more often than last two months. :D
In the UK, the jokes on the April Fools Day are national big thing. TVs, radios and papers are trying to fool their listeners/readers. Their ideas are more than what I can imagine and they successfully fool me!!
I love this kind of sense of humor very much.
I wish we, Japanese people could have some more humor.
talk to you soon.
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