I subscribe one of the BBC magazines called "Gardener's world." It helped me to learn English botanical names. Flowers and plants are named with unfamiliar language especially for Japanese. So it is hard to learn. However magazines are generally written in a casual language, and are with beautiful photos in nice layout, which is fun to look at. So I think reading or looking at magazines are helpful to learn specialized English terms.
After one and a half year of subscription, I got bored with this magazine.
Loss of interest in gardening was one of the reasons that I recently don't read it seriously.
Now I found a lot of fun in science magazines.
For now my favorite magazine is "New Scientist." You see one of the issues on the photo above.
It is interesting, not formal, and I think editor has a good sense of humor.
Thanks for the GCSE science studies, I have learned English basic scientific terms a lot. That made me possible to enjoy the contents of the science articles.
Originally I bought a science magazine to find more and more interests in sciences. As I study sciences for the exams, the dry scientific information bored me. Science is happening around us all over the world. Science should be lively and interesting. Then I thought that articles in magazines should be something new, latest technology, and easy to make connections between the dry academic information and our real lives.
I am now enjoying both English and sciences by reading this magazine!!
It is fun!
Happy New Year, chamokayo,
Talking of magazine, now in Japan magazines with some suppliment are very popular. For example a magazine for young girls has a very cute pouch as a suppliment. A magazine for ladies has a skin cream or something.
Sometimes the box of suppliment is thicker than the magazine itself!
Magazines themselves are getting thicker and thicker & heavier and heavier because of a lot of
And also free magazines are also popular now. We can get them at stations and some stores. There are many kinds of magazines for the young, middle-aged, elderly, male, female and so on.
Some of them are very informative and interesting.
Sorry, you show us very educational ones, while I am writing about just practical ones!
By the way my motto is 'Tomorrow is another day.'
I wish you a bright and successful New Year!
Hello, honesty,
I have heard about Japanese magazines with suppliment. Actually I have ordered one with big suppliment a few years ago. The box for suppliment was about 4cm thickness whereas the magazine itself was 5mm thickness. It was called "science for grown-ups." Have you heard about this magazine? It was quite interesting magazine. The model for this magazine was Gakken "kagaku." Making and playing with the suppliment was a lot of fun!!!
I also pick up some free magazines at supermarket too. They contain a lot of advertisement, but sometimes I find wonderful recipes there.
When I go to a local book shop, often they have more magazines than books. That makes a bit sad, because I truly love books. Still It is fun to see magazines but I found it quite difficult to come across really interesting magazines. In that means, this magazine "New Scientist" was gripping.
Talk to you soon!
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