Sushi rice is essential for me as you can easily imagine. It is quite difficult to live without Japanese sushi rice although I have already survived several years without quite a few Japanese groceries.
Today I bought something special, which is Japanese sake "ozeki dry."
I have never bought any kinds of Japanese sake for drinking myself even when I was in Japan. But when I bought a tiny 180ml bottle of sake to make a special BBQ sauce last year, I tasted it and found it quite tasty!!!
Half of the pleasure might have been one way of expression of just a homesickness. But I have missed the taste of sake since then.
So I bought one bottle which is larger than the previous one, with an excuse of making the special BBQ sauce again.
I tasted a tiny bit after supper today. Just a tiny bit is enough to feel "Japanese" mood.
This sake was made in California, and imported to England.
Actually, the sake factory is fairly close to the city of Sacramento where I used to live.
I knew there were a few Japanese sake companies around the city because there is a good water source from American River and Sacramento River.
But isn't it quite interesting?
I myself , Japanese,
Japanese sake made in California where I used to live.
The sake imported to England where I currently live.
And now I am sending this blog to all over the world via Internet, and many of the readers are Japanese.
Japan → California → England → Japan
It is just a sake, but it is going round the world connecting people.
By the way, it has been freezing cold these days because of the cold wave in Europe. Somebody said it is the coldest winter in the last thirty years in England. In fact, the temperatures these day have been under zero degree Celsius. Several people have frozen to death in the continental Europe. It is nice to see white snow and children playing with the snow, but I hope it will be warmer soon!