We will drive across England, and take a ferry to get to Holland. This is an overnight ferry brings us to Den Haag in the early morning.
Staying with our friend in Den Haag and spend a whole day with her and her baby, then we will be bound for Germany.
Ten days at my husband's father.
Four days at a teacher at Schros Hanbourne(sorry, not sure the spelling) Waldorf School.
One night at a five-star hotel :D in Stutgurt. (again...sorry about the error)
One day at my husband's mother that will be a gathering with my husband's family.
One night on a ferry coming back to England.
We will be back on Sun 24 Aug.
It will be a three-week journey.
According to a cosmic spiritual message, now it is a time of radical change. Two eclipses in August which moon and sun influence the earth from opposite direction. Last three months were kind of "test" period for human beings. And this period will be over on the second eclipse in August.
This message makes sense to me. My life in the last three months were tough. I suffered from emotional problems that were brought by so many little troubles. On top of it, my husband got injured. I have been wondering what tasks were on me.
Now we are on the important time. And I will be on a journey. What does this mean?
We will see...
See you!
I will write about the trip in three weeks!
Have a fantastic trip!
I believe it will be a good change for you.
And I'm looking forward to reading your posts on the journey!!!
hello, anima,
Now I am back!
I will write a bit about the trip today, but let me take time to write more! I hope you enjoy my trip journal on this blog.
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