
bamboo cloth

Do you know there are yarns made from bamboo fibre?

These are the bamboo yarns. They are so soft and smooth. I imagine this yarn would be great to knit a summer jumper.

But....I bought these yarns to knit "bamboo cloths."

One of my friends told me how well the "bamboo cloth" works for washing up. You can buy it at a supermarket, and it is reasonable. I tried it, and now I love it!

There is one problem.... just one.
The cloth is a bit too big for washing up dishes.

That's why I bought these bamboo yarns.

The natural colour cloth is from a shop, and pinkish one is my hand-knitted work.

They work great.
It doesn't get oily by washing oily plates. This cleans the plates well, and makes the plates shiny!

I usually use acrylic cloths that work really well. I don't need to use any detergent for regular use. But this bamboo cloth is even better than the acrylic one. I like the natural and ecological aspect of this bamboo fibre a lot.

Again there is one problem with this hand-knitted one.... only one.
The bamboo yarn costs more than an acrylic yarn..... XD

Probably I might as well cut the manufactured bamboo cloth into two and sew the edge.
That would be less work and less expensive.....

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