I have been a maths teacher for 13 years, but I am not a teacher any more. I am done with teaching. I quit.
I have a next goal for my future career, and I am going to focus on my study to achieve the goal. The career I am aiming for is completely different profession from a teacher. So this would be huge change for me.
I know it is not easy to achieve this.
But I will. I decided to do it.
I believe that human negative thought limits human possibility.
If I think it is impossible, it would never happen.
If I believe I can do it, the dream would come true.
I strongly believe this.
Do you know "Projective Geometry"? This is NON-Euclidean Geometry. In the idea of Projective Geometry, parallel lines meet at one point at INFINITY. Infinity is beyond limitation. If we think about Geometry within the limit, parallel lines never cross each other as Greek mathematician Euclid said. But the idea of "INFINITY" enables parallel lines to meet.
How can we reach the world of infinity?
--- By thinking.
By thinking, we can reach INFINITY.
We can go beyond the limit.
Can we apply this idea to our lives?
By believing "I can do it", I can take off the limitation. And I can go beyond the limit to achieve the dream...Can't I?
I believe I can.
Beyond the limit, we go to Infinity.
I feel "Projective Geometry" inspired me a lot through my last main lesson...
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