

木の枝からナイフで手づくりした木のスプーン。夏の親子アクティビティ。自分で手づくりしたものを使うも嬉しい。〜e-waldo... on Twitpic


小学校1年生の編み物プロジェクト。実はこれも算数の勉強に繋がっているんです。手を動かしながら算数を学ぶと、算数が体に染込み... on Twitpic


数は図形とも結びついている。図を書きながら、数の規則性と四則演算を体験する。〜「さんすう教室」http://maths1.... on Twitpic

数を数えるエクササイズをしながら、こんなに美しいオブジェクト完成。 「さんすう教室」から 〜 http://maths1.... on Twitpic

数を数えるエクササイズをしながら、こんなに美しいオブジェクト完成。 「さんすう教室」から 〜 http://maths1.... on Twitpic

Arithmetic Lessons-online programme

My new project is "Arithmetic lessons" for Class 1 to 3 pupils.
Learning arithmetic is not just for your head.
It is really important to learn number theories and rules through your body.

This "Arithmetic Lessons" leads you and your children to practical and rhythmical exercises.

Children will learn numbers, four processes, and the beauty of numbers as they enjoy!

Arithmetic Lessons-online programme

My new project is "Arithmetic lessons" for Class 1 to 3 pupils.
Learning arithmetic is not just for your head.
It is really important to learn number theories and rules through your body.

This "Arithmetic Lessons" leads you and your children to practical and rhythmical exercises.

Children will learn numbers, four processes, and the beauty of numbers as they enjoy!

Arithmetic newsletter

I started publishing another e-mail newsletter "Arithmetic newsletter."

Topics based on Waldorf Steiner education are very useful.