Maybe my dear readers have already forgotten me....
I am sorry I have not updated anything in the past month.
My life has been again crazily busy....
I bought a yearly diary in the very beginning of 2009. Before that, I have used an organizer for over 10 years. That was genuin leather diary made in Italy. I loved it for a long time, but I felt larger diary would suit to my new year.
I thought I would be busy this year, having lots of work and becoming more active, gradually separating my life from my little sons as they grow up, although I had only one plan of three-month maternity cover teaching from April to July when I bought the new diary.
Within one week after I bought the diary, I had a request to become a high school class 1 teacher at a Japanese school. Original plan was supply-teaching for one term, but the new offer was whole year class teaching position.
Wow, as I expected, I am getting busier... :D
Then, soon after that, I suddenly had one brilliant idea of a business. Now I am working for the business to be reality. This is so exciting which I can use all my experience, knowledge and connections.
And then, I had another offer of three jobs from a recruitment company I have registered with in August 2008. I haven't heard any suitable job opening information since the initial registration, but suddenly I got three!
One was just an office working lady, part of administrative role. The job sounds boring XD, but the work place is fairly close and it is a part time position which is suitable for me.
Another one was a full-time position and a bit far from my house...It is within commuting distance though. The job was what I was really interested in. Unfortunately I am not qualified with the position, because I need to be trained for the job first, I thought. But the manager of the recruitment company suggested to apply for it, since there are only a few people who would qualify this job. He thought it would be worth to try it..... Maybe he is right. If the company think I am disqualified, they just decline my application. That's all. If they would give me some training for starting the job, that is what I desire. I am keen to learn this stuff.
The third one is not really my stuff. So I wouldn't apply for it.
But, the two jobs are on their process of the application now.....
So that is my recent life.
Getting more and more busy, and I am excited about being busy really.
I try to update here more frequently, but believe me, no news is a good news.
I am doing great.